David Grubb from Shepherds Loft web design agency conducted a before and after review of the Cabin Rentals of Blue Ridge website.

Website Design Challenges

The original website lacked branding, with no real logo and a limited color palette. The layout and usability were also problematic, with text that was difficult to read and a cluttered navigation menu. The individual pages, such as the cabins and availability pages, were not well-integrated and lacked substantial content.

Enhancing the Brand and Increasing the Usability

In the website redesign, Shepherds Loft focused on enhancing the branding through a new logo, color scheme, and storytelling elements. The home page layout was streamlined, with a prominent search function and clear showcasing of the available cabins. The cabin detail pages were also redesigned, featuring large image galleries and clear booking functionality.

Relying on Proven Technology

Importantly, Shepherds Loft also addressed the outdated technology underlying the original website, updating the WordPress core, plugins, and other components to ensure reliability and security. The new website was launched just in time, as the old site had become unusable due to the aging technology.

Amazing Web Design Results

Overall, the website redesign significantly improved the branding, usability, and technical foundation of the Cabin Rentals of Blue Ridge website, creating a more professional and customer-friendly online presence.

I. Overview of Original Cabin Rentals of Blue Ridge Website
A. Branding Issues
1. Lack of color and cohesive branding
2. No real logo, just a basic text-based design
B. Usability Concerns
1. Text difficult to read due to layout
2. Cluttered navigation menu
C. Individual Page Shortcomings
1. Cabin pages lacked integration
2. Availability page had limited content
3. Other pages also lacked substantial information

II. Website Redesign by Shepherds Loft
A. Enhancing Branding
1. Developed new logo and color scheme
2. Incorporated storytelling elements
B. Improving Home Page Layout
1. Streamlined design with prominent search function
2. Clear display of available cabins
C. Redesigning Cabin Detail Pages
1. Larger image galleries
2. Simplified booking functionality
D. Addressing Outdated Technology
1. Updated WordPress core, plugins, and other components
2. Launched new site just in time before old site became unusable

III. Outcomes of the Website Redesign
A. Improved Branding and Professionalism
B. Enhanced Usability and Customer Experience
C. Reliable and Secure Technical Foundation

David Grubb
David Grubb

Business owner and entrepreneur, David Grubb started Shepherds Loft in 2000 with a couple of friends. Now, after over 20 years, he has enjoyed helping hundreds of business owners with their business.

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