#logo #design #marketing
The first step in marketing is logo design.
Hi, I’m David Grubb from Shepherd’s Loft Web Design Agency. Today, I want to talk to you about Logo Design and walk you through our process for designing and building websites.
Often, we start with very little to work with, so when we have the chance to enhance or create a logo, it’s a significant part of the branding process. The logo is crucial because it sets the stage for the fonts, colors, and shapes that people will recognize as related to your business.
Branding truly begins with logo design.
Simply put, a logo design is a simple graphic that represents your business. I have some examples on the screen to illustrate this. The logo serves as the anchor for your brand, influencing the design, look, and feel of all your marketing materials.
It makes sense to start with a logo design because it defines who your audience is, outlines their path, and lays the groundwork for your online and offline marketing efforts.
Here’s a Logo Design statistic for you:
90% of first impressions of a brand come from the logo alone. Research shows that people are more likely to make a purchase when they recognize a brand or logo, so it has a significant impact on your business. Investing time in a strong logo can boost your business’s income.
We often use the term “logo” loosely, so let’s clarify a few specific terms. For example, on platforms like Facebook, you might see a profile icon, which is typically just a symbol. For Shepherd’s Loft, the lamb is our symbol, which is easily associated with our brand.
Then there’s the logo name, which is simply the company’s name written in a specific font and color. When you combine the symbol with the name, you get a combination mark. This is the most common type of logo we refer to as just a “logo.” Understanding these terms helps clarify the different components of a logo design.
Logo Design Enhancement Examples
Let me take you through some examples of logos we’ve enhanced or created from scratch. First, we have Panorama Orchards. The old logo had an apple symbol and the company name but didn’t quite fit together well. We redesigned it by incorporating the apple into the name and modernizing the fonts. This made the logo much more readable and visually appealing.
Next, let’s look at Modern Rustic Homes. The original logo was wide and somewhat difficult to read on the website. We stacked “Rustic Homes” under “Modern,” which improved readability and enhanced the overall design.
For Cabin Rentals of Blue Ridge, the original logo was just a script font with no icon or color. We redesigned it with a symbol of a cabin, tree, and mountain, which made it more recognizable and memorable.
Now, let’s look at the websites with these enhanced logos. Modern Rustic Homes now has a clear, organized logo that significantly improves its presence. Panorama Orchards also has a more readable and integrated logo, and Cabin Rentals of Blue Ridge has a clear, recognizable logo on its website.
New Logo Design Examples
I also want to show you some new logos we’ve designed from scratch. Some, like the White Path Lodge and Resort logo, came together quickly, inspired by the history and Native American Chief White Path. Others, like Bones Defense, required more time to understand the target audience and design a logo that would resonate with them.
The Cabin Rentals logo was straightforward, while Landscape Design Innovations and Mountain Oasis required detailed, time-consuming work. Michael Sheehan’s logo came together quickly, thanks to his Irish-themed family shield.
These logo design examples highlight how fonts, colors, and shapes contribute to a brand’s identity. It’s essential to either enhance your existing logo or create a new one before diving into social media accounts or website development. Once the logo is in place, everything else falls into place more smoothly.
Thank you for listening. I’m David Grubb from Shepherds Loft Web Design Agency. Visit our Logo Design page for examples.